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  • 2020-11-22 04:26



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Globally, freshwater is a limited resource for human development. Social and economic development must consider water resources for sustainable development. With China's rapid economic development, renewable energy has been pushed to the forefront of the development agenda, and hydroelectricity is the most important renewable energy.However, hydroelectricity also consumes a lot of water, hence, it is important to assess the impact of hydroelectricity on the environment and water resources, so many researchers have focused their attention on calculation of the water footprint. This is an indicator of the amount of water used to produce goods and services.It provides a reasonable and broad perspective for consumers and producers to help understand their relationship with freshwater systems. The water footprint concept help spolicymakers and stakeholders to enact more rational policies for water resources management. According to the available global literature, there are three main methods used to calculate the water footprint of hydroelectricity: Gross water consumption, Net water consumption and Water balance. The dominant calculation method uses the gross evaporation from freshwater reservoirs divided by the annual power production. In previous studies, the water consumption from a reservoir is often completely attributed to hydroelectricity, but this apparently overestimates the water footprint (WF) of hydroelectricity, especially for reservoirs with multiple functions. The multi-function reservoir provides many ecosystem services, such as water supply,irrigation, flood control,and fishery,so the traditional water footprint counting method will produce doubling counting. We used a new approach, the cost allocation method, to quantify the water footprint of hydroelectricity (WFh) by separating it from the reservoir footprint using an allocation coefficient (η) based on the ratio of hydropower income to the total economic benefit of the reservoir. Such an approach was used to study data from 1988 to 2004 for the case area of the Miyun reservoir, a multi-function reservoir,and the largest reservoir in the North China plain.More than 60% of the economic benefit was from flood control and water supply, and less than 40% of the economic value was from irrigation, electricity and fishery. The results show that,from 1988 to 2004,the average product water footprint of hydroelectricity(PWFh)in the Miyun reservoir was 897 m3/GJ,according to the traditional calculation method.However,based on the improved method, the average PWFh was only 127 m3/GJ,just 14% of the traditional method.Initially, the primary purpose of the Miyun reservoir was for hydroelectric generation, but since 1998, the amount of electricity generated has decreased. Using the traditional calculation method, the PWFh in 2004 was 4529.5 m3/GJ, the largest amount for all the years considered, yet, according to the improved cost allocation method, the PWFh was 67.3 m3/GJ, the smallest among all the years considered. It is easy to obtain data using the cost allocation method and it has good operability.Application of the improved method will be propitious in the assessment of the market value of economic benefits. The allocation coefficient(η)combines the environmental indicator with the economic indicator, and the approach based on the allocation coefficient is more objective and accurate for the assessment of WFh. The cost allocation method will further the application of the water footprint in hydroelectric power generation. Most reservoirs have a varying surface area over time, as a result of changes in water volume during the year and between years, thus, it is necessary to maintain temporal and spatial consistency when collecting economic data. Hydropower has long been considered a clean, renewable energy and has been actively promoted in many countries. This study indicates that the WF of hydropower should be integrated into the environmental impact assessment system for a more comprehensive understanding of hydropower projects in future. The cost allocation method can assess the influence of hydroelectricity in one reservoir andwill provide the basis for water price.It will also foster new ideas about how to accurately calculate the water footprint of hydroelectricity.

,科龙空调维修知识,1.变频空调通常只有2~3只启动电容,空量在480~2000uf之间,如电容击穿,断路,或参数变化,电源回路,会产生流等故障,从而损坏某些元件,使压缩机无法正常启动,如果滤尘网积尘过多,可用水漂洗或软刷蘸中性洗涤剂清洗,但清洗时水温不得超过50℃以上,不能用洗衣粉、洗洁精、汽油、香蕉水等,以免滤尘网变形,在电源接通的设备上操作会引起触 电,在制冷循环部分未冷却的设备上 操作会引起灼伤,变频空调常用四只保险管,分别装在内室机控制板,室外控制板,电源板,主电源电路中,变频空调常用四只保险管,分别装在内室机控制板,室外控制板,电源板,主电源电路中,否则,设备内部的水会溅出,弄湿地板和家具,12、进行维修前,务必检查制冷循环部分是否已充分冷却,3、清洗蒸发器:用专门的蒸发器清洗剂,均匀喷洒在空调蒸发器的进风处,若污垢过多,可用湿布擦拭后,再用少量清水冲洗,记得清洗完必须把蒸发器擦干,制冷系统是空调系统至关重要的部分,其采用种类、运行方式、结构形式等直接影响了空调系统在运行中的经济性、高效性、合理性,注意在清洗时毛刷和吸尘器应沿盘管的垂直方向清扫,切勿沿水平方向清扫,以免碰坏盘管的肋片,当制冷剂气体碰到花火时,会产生有毒气体,如何保养空调,1. 空调主机加防护罩,在不用空调的时候应该在外机上加一层防护罩,这样不仅能有效的避免恶劣空气对主机的损坏,而且还可以防尘和防雨,A类:集中式制冷空调设备(活塞式、涡旋式、螺杆式、离心式、吸收式制冷和热泵机组;蓄冷蓄热设备、蒸发冷却设备、空气处理设备及其他系统组件等),清扫时将过滤网抽出,用干的软毛刷刷去过滤网上的灰尘,对空调的换季保养,对于灰尘较多的环境,过滤网的清洗应更加频繁,以免灰尘太多,影响空调器的风量,用水清洗会引起触电,2.拆下空气滤尘网后,轻轻拍弹或使用电动吸尘器除尘,清扫时将空调过滤网抽出,用干的软毛刷刷去过滤网上的灰尘,也可用清水洗去过滤网上的灰尘,晾干后再装入空调器使用维西电工考证培训学校,维西电工考证培训班,维西电工考证学校,维西学电工考证的学校,维西电工考证培训哪里好,维西电工考证培训学校,维西电工考证短期培训班,维西电工考证培训学校地址,维西学电工考证培训,维西电工考证培训哪里好,维西电工考证培训班,维西电工考证技术培训.(编辑:hnygdzxx888)


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